About Me

medical reiki international natural healing
Reiki healing association natural healing
laughter yoga
  • Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki Master Teacher
  • RKMRI Certified Medical Reiki™ Master
  • ICRT Animal Reiki Master Teacher
  • Certified Munay Ki Practitioner
  • Transformative Life Coach
  • Certified Laughter Yoga Leader
natural healing
Achieving Relaxation, Balance and Inner Peace
Reiki Master Teacher

My Path - Anelena Ackerly

As I gathered my thoughts to introduce myself, I decided to title this section “My Path”, consistent with the Spiritual path I have been exploring since childhood. I remember looking up at a plaque in my mother’s church at 6 years of age. It hung over the pulpit and read “God is Love”. A beautiful bright shimmering light from those words pierced my young heart. It was as if it lifted the plaque off the wall, as though delivered by the Angels. I have always carried that message with me. Along my path of natural healing, I attended college, traveled, and operated my business as sole proprietor for 37 years in the real estate industry. I maintained many interests in the exploration of Spirituality, nature, animals, the arts, music, and photography.

I have been aware of the unseen world and natural healing energy since childhood. Intuitively, I knew there was something more than what the visible and audible world revealed to us. I was aware of another power, another source, an unseen energy. As I review my Spiritual path and personal evolution, it is clear that there is a common Golden Cord in each discipline I have learned, just as it was revealed to me at the age of 6. That Golden Cord is the unquestionable presence of a natural life-force energy that abides within all of us, connecting us to the Divine. The ever-present healing energy is the power of Universal Love, or Munay, as identified by the Q’ero Shamans of Peru. Love, Munay, is what heals, while anger stops the healing process.

My natural healing practice is, in part, about discovering what heart energies are hidden and frozen due to fear and often dissociation. The inability to be free is usually due to some form of trauma that can be released energetically. Words alone cannot fully release the trapped energy from our cellular memory. We must listen to our bodies. Only then can healing and transformation take place. We must never forget the significance of movement and breath, which is a part of all natural healing energy practices.

The journey of transformation is an evolving one and provides limitless possibilities as we navigate our life here on earth. The heart is our compass and connects us to the Divine. According to the Heart Math Institute, the heart’s magnetic field is the strongest rhythmic field produced by the human body and envelops every cell of the body. It also extends outward in all directions, no matter where we are or what we are doing. What we hold in our heart ripples outward. Therefore, it is always important to remain mindful of our thoughts and feelings because we automatically transmit those thoughts and feelings to those around us. “Be mindful of intention. Intention is the seed that creates our future.” – Jack Kornfield


Imaginal Sight: Seeing with the Heart

Artist: Sheldon Shalley, LCSW, ACSW, Shamanic Practitioner


My path introduced me to several natural healing modalities. While living with the villagers in the mountains of Aramberri, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (northeastern Mexico), I was introduced to the Curanderismo Tradition of Mexico, as inherited from the Mayans. It is an ancient way of healing and bringing the body, mind, emotions, and soul back into a state of balance. In my 20’s and already well into my Spiritual journey of discovery and inner healing from a chaotic childhood, I found this practice. Spiritual balance was exactly what I needed. This form of energy medicine was my first introduction to Shamanism, without yet fully understanding Shamanism.

Quantum Touch

While living in San Francisco in the early 80’s, I discovered Quantum Touch after attending Richard Gordon’s first series of workshops. Quantum Touch is a natural healing technique that taps into the life-force energy, known as chi in Chinese and as prana in Sanskrit, of both the practitioner and client. Chi, or prana, is the flow of energy that sustains all living beings; it is Universal Love, or Munay. Quantum Touch brings the practitioner and the client into harmony to allow the body to heal itself. This can be done in person or remotely and releases trapped energy and balances the client’s energetic footprint. Quantum Touch is another method of natural healing.



Reiki is not associated with any religious practice or dogma, nor is it based on belief or suggestion. It is not massage therapy. Instead, it is a gentle, subtle and effective form of energy work that uses spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki is an ancient Japanese natural healing art that provides an energetic healing technique for self and others and addresses an individual’s entire system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). The Japanese word (Rei) means “Universal Life” and (Ki) means “Energy.” Reiki can be transmitted in person or remotely to balance the client’s energetic footprint.

Dormant unhealed parts of the human system must be healed and released in order to improve quality of life by clearing the path for our “essence”, our “authentic self” to emerge. Unhealed and trapped energy can cause extreme stress and illness and generally blocks physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development and well-being. Undetected, unhealed energy, due to some form of trauma or grief, is one of the greatest challenges in the healing process. However, Reiki provides a pathway to healing.

I completed Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 1 certification in 1999, followed by Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 2 practitioner certification at the end of the same year. While working full time, I chose to use Reiki for myself, my friends, and my associates, but did not have a formal practice. I had a small healing practice but then for over a decade, I became a caregiver for my “sister from another mother” who was a Reiki Master Teacher and Cranial Sacral Therapist. She was, unfortunately, diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood and bone cancer later in life. The use of Reiki during various treatments and bone infusions, including all chemotherapy infusions, and in numerous hospital and ER visits proved life altering. Reiki not only changed the impact of the harsh treatments, but also changed the atmosphere and vibration. She lived well beyond her prognosis and long enough to accomplish what her Soul called her to do.

In 2020 after I retired and amid a pandemic, I decided to re-take all Reiki classes and upgrade to a Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki Master Teacher, as taught by William Rand, International Center for Reiki Training, in the lineage of Dr. Mikao Usui. I took Usui / Holy Fire III® Reiki Levels 1 and 2 practitioner training, followed by the Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki Master Teacher training and, finally, Holy Fire III ® Karuna Reiki Master Teacher training. The remote natural healing capabilities of Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki have proven to be so powerful for Zoom clients during the pandemic. The pandemic exposed the need for natural healing energy due to a tremendous amount of stress and grief resulting from the loss of human contact, death of loved ones, job loss, and so much more.

After this, I met Raven Keyes during a pandemic-inspired zoom class. Raven is the founder of Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International. I immediately resonated with her message and took her Medical Reiki training due to my work with cancer patients. Now I am an RKMRI Certified Medical Reiki Master Practitioner, which training provides me with the legal tools, document, and procedures necessary for working with doctors, surgeons, and other healthcare providers.

I am also an International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) Animal Reiki Master Teacher. I have always sent Reiki to my dogs, my friends’ horses and most all animals I encounter, both domestic and wild. Most all animals respond easily to Reiki healing energy. The Animal Reiki training added another dimension to my practice.

Reiki is not associated with any religious practice or dogma, nor is it based on belief or suggestion. It is not massage therapy. Instead, it is a gentle, subtle and effective form of energy work that uses spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki is an ancient Japanese natural healing art that provides an energetic healing technique for self and others and addresses an individual’s entire system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). The Japanese word (Rei) means “Universal Life” and (Ki) means “Energy.” Reiki can be transmitted in person or remotely to balance the client’s energetic footprint.

Dormant unhealed parts of the human system must be healed and released in order to improve quality of life by clearing the path for our “essence”, our “authentic self” to emerge. Unhealed and trapped energy can cause extreme stress and illness and generally blocks physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development and well-being. Undetected, unhealed energy, due to some form of trauma or grief, is one of the greatest challenges in the healing process. However, Reiki provides a pathway to healing.

I completed Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 1 certification in 1999, followed by Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 2 practitioner certification at the end of the same year. While working full time, I chose to use Reiki for myself, my friends, and my associates, but did not have a formal practice. I had a small healing practice but then for over a decade, I became a caregiver for my “sister from another mother” who was a Reiki Master Teacher and Cranial Sacral Therapist. She was, unfortunately, diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood and bone cancer later in life. The use of Reiki during various treatments and bone infusions, including all chemotherapy infusions, and in numerous hospital and ER visits proved life altering. Reiki not only changed the impact of the harsh treatments, but also changed the atmosphere and vibration in her room. She lived beyond her initial prognosis and long enough to accomplish what her Soul called her to do. While I believe there is not always a cure, I believe that healing is eternal.

In 2020 after I retired and amid a pandemic, I decided to re-take all Reiki classes and upgrade to a Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki Master Teacher, as taught by William Rand, International Center for Reiki Training, in the lineage of Dr. Mikao Usui. I took Usui / Holy Fire III® Reiki Levels 1 and 2 practitioner training, followed by the Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki Master Teacher training and, finally, Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Teacher training. The remote natural healing capabilities of Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki have proven to be so powerful for Zoom clients during the pandemic. The pandemic exposed the need for natural healing energy due to a tremendous amount of stress and grief resulting from the loss of human contact, death of loved ones, job loss, and so much more.

After this, I met Raven Keyes during a pandemic-inspired zoom class. Raven is the founder of Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International. I immediately resonated with her message and took her Medical Reiki training due to my work with cancer patients. Now I am an RKMRI Certified Medical Reiki Master Practitioner, which training provides me with the legal tools, document, and procedures necessary for working with doctors, surgeons, and other healthcare providers.

I am also an International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) Animal Reiki Master Teacher. I have always sent Reiki to my dogs, my friends’ horses and most all animals I encounter, both domestic and wild. Most all animals respond easily to Reiki healing energy. The Animal Reiki training added another dimension to my practice.

Reiki is not associated with any religious practice or dogma, nor is it based on belief or suggestion. It is not massage therapy. Instead, it is a gentle, subtle and effective form of energy work that uses spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki is an ancient Japanese natural healing art that provides an energetic healing technique for self and others and addresses an individual’s entire system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). The Japanese word (Rei) means “Universal Life” and (Ki) means “Energy.” Reiki can be transmitted in person or remotely to balance the client’s energetic footprint.

Dormant unhealed parts of the human system must be healed and released in order to improve quality of life by clearing the path for our “essence”, our “authentic self” to emerge. Unhealed and trapped energy can cause extreme stress and illness and generally blocks physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development and well-being. Undetected, unhealed energy, due to some form of trauma or grief, is one of the greatest challenges in the healing process. However, Reiki provides a pathway to healing.

I completed Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 1 certification in 1999, followed by Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 2 practitioner certification at the end of the same year. While working full time, I chose to use Reiki for myself, my friends, and my associates, but did not have a formal practice. I had a small healing practice but then for over a decade, I became a caregiver for my “sister from another mother” who was a Reiki Master Teacher and Cranial Sacral Therapist. She was, unfortunately, diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood and bone cancer later in life. The use of Reiki during various treatments and bone infusions, including all chemotherapy infusions, and in numerous hospital and ER visits proved life altering. Reiki not only changed the impact of the harsh treatments, but also changed the atmosphere and vibration. She lived well beyond her prognosis and long enough to accomplish what her Soul called her to do.

In 2020 after I retired and amid a pandemic, I decided to re-take all Reiki classes and upgrade to a Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki Master Teacher, as taught by William Rand, International Center for Reiki Training, in the lineage of Dr. Mikao Usui. I took Usui / Holy Fire III® Reiki Levels 1 and 2 practitioner training, followed by the Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki Master Teacher training and, finally, . The remote natural healing capabilities of Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki have proven to be so powerful for Zoom clients during the pandemic. The pandemic exposed the need for natural healing energy due to a tremendous amount of stress and grief resulting from the loss of human contact, death of loved ones, job loss, and so much more.

After this, I met Raven Keyes during a pandemic-inspired zoom class. Raven is the founder of Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International. I immediately resonated with her message and took her Medical Reiki training due to my work with cancer patients. Now I am an RKMRI Certified Medical Reiki Master Practitioner, which training provides me with the legal tools, document, and procedures necessary for working with doctors, surgeons, and other healthcare providers.

I am also an International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) Animal Reiki Master Teacher. I have always sent Reiki to my dogs, my friends’ horses and most all animals I encounter, both domestic and wild. Most all animals respond easily to Reiki healing energy. The Animal Reiki training added another dimension to my practice.

Reiki is not associated with any religious practice or dogma, nor is it based on belief or suggestion. It is not massage therapy. Instead, it is a gentle, subtle and effective form of energy work that uses spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki is an ancient Japanese natural healing art that provides an energetic healing technique for self and others and addresses an individual’s entire system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). The Japanese word (Rei) means “Universal Life” and (Ki) means “Energy.” Reiki can be transmitted in person or remotely to balance the client’s energetic footprint.

Dormant unhealed parts of the human system must be healed and released in order to improve quality of life by clearing the path for our “essence”, our “authentic self” to emerge. Unhealed and trapped energy can cause extreme stress and illness and generally blocks physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development and well-being. Undetected, unhealed energy, due to some form of trauma or grief, is one of the greatest challenges in the healing process. However, Reiki provides a pathway to healing.

I completed Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 1 certification in 1999, followed by Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 2 practitioner certification at the end of the same year. While working full time, I chose to use Reiki for myself, my friends, and my associates, but did not have a formal practice. I had a small healing practice but then for over a decade, I became a caregiver for my “sister from another mother” who was a Reiki Master Teacher and Cranial Sacral Therapist. She was, unfortunately, diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood and bone cancer later in life. The use of Reiki during various treatments and bone infusions, including all chemotherapy infusions, and in numerous hospital and ER visits proved life altering. Reiki not only changed the impact of the harsh treatments, but also changed the atmosphere and vibration. She lived well beyond her prognosis and long enough to accomplish what her Soul called her to do.

In 2020 after I retired and amid a pandemic, I decided to re-take all Reiki classes and upgrade to a Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki Master Teacher, as taught by William Rand, International Center for Reiki Training, in the lineage of Dr. Mikao Usui. I took Usui / Holy Fire III® Reiki Levels 1 and 2 practitioner training, followed by the Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki Master Teacher training and, finally, . The remote natural healing capabilities of Usui / Holy Fire III ® Reiki have proven to be so powerful for Zoom clients during the pandemic. The pandemic exposed the need for natural healing energy due to a tremendous amount of stress and grief resulting from the loss of human contact, death of loved ones, job loss, and so much more.

After this, I met Raven Keyes during a pandemic-inspired zoom class. Raven is the founder of Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International. I immediately resonated with her message and took her Medical Reiki training due to my work with cancer patients. Now I am an RKMRI Certified Medical Reiki Master Practitioner, which training provides me with the legal tools, document, and procedures necessary for working with doctors, surgeons, and other healthcare providers.

I am also an International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) Animal Reiki Master Teacher. I have always sent Reiki to my dogs, my friends’ horses and most all animals I encounter, both domestic and wild. Most all animals respond easily to Reiki healing energy. The Animal Reiki training added another dimension to my practice.

Munay-Ki Rites
Munay-Ki Rites

Munay-Ki Rites

My natural healing path also includes Shamanic training with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, The Four Winds Society (TFWS), which began in the 80s. I most recently completed the Munay Ki Practitioner training, on-line, noting I first received 4 of the then 9 rites in 2007. I am now a Certified Munay Ki Practitioner Teacher. This training provides Shamanic healing tools to further support the vast spectrum of my clients’ interests and needs, as well as expanding my own Spiritual awareness. I received all rites on-line from a Q’ero Shaman, Dr. Alberto Villoldo and Marcela Lobos, and from TFWS senior practitioners Karen Hoza, Elise Kost and Steffen Buffel.

The Munay-Ki Rites are a series of 10 Empowerment rites based on the initiatory practices of the Q’ero Shamans of Peru, as taught by anthropologist Dr. Alberto Villoldo. “Munay” in Quechua means “universal love and will” and “ki” is from the Japanese word for energy. The energy of love, Munay Ki, is a modern way of transmitting the initiation empowerments of the Q’ero and are based on the traditional initiation ceremonies of Q’ero Shamans. Munay Ki are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past – the genetic and karmic inheritance we are born with. They transform and upgrade the luminous energy field and re-inform our DNA, enabling us to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

Receiving Munay Ki Practitioner training brought me full circle to my experience as a 6-year-old standing below the plaque in my mother’s church. It read “God is Love”, which I now declare as the Universal Life Force, or however one would define it, is love. Marilyn Nelson, Chancellor Emeritus of the Academy of American Poets and recipient of the Poetry Society of America’s Frost Medal for distinguished lifetime achievement, stated: “And when we allow the love of the divine to enter us and come through us, we are offering something not only to ourselves, not only the answer to our own little prayers, but also, we are lighting the way. Rumi wrote: “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” We are the way the Light or the Darkness enters the Universe. Let’s all choose Light.